Wowhead Viscidus

Take down Viscidus to 1 hp with my normal gear (excluding trinkets). Used the Brunnhildar Great Axe (Brunnhildar Great Axe) along with the Deathfrost enchant. It took about 20-30 hits for Viscidus to get frozen solid. I switched to two fast one-handed weapons (Thunderfury and a random fist weapon I had on my bank). 'Viscidus begins to crack.' - Continue melee attacks. 'Viscidus looks ready to shatter.' - Continue melee attacks. 'Viscidus explodes.' - Viscidus shatters into multiple small 'Globs of Viscidus' in a circle around the room. These Globs will begin to move towards the center of the room, slow at first, but continuously and steadily gathering speed. First guide on my channel, hope you guys found it helpful.

Lucid Nightmare is a Secret Mount obtained after decrypting a series of puzzles from the Mind-Seekers, Azeroth's enigmatic riddle-makers. Lucid Nightmare is one of the major secrets added in Legion, along with Kosumoth the Hungering, Riddler's Mind-Worm, Sun Darter Hatchling and Uuna.

Please note that this guide will be as concise as possible. If want to know more about each puzzle then click on Spoiler at the end of each section or check Blizzard's official post with insights and explanations.

Progress Macro

Make sure to read each Inconspicuous Note after you solve the puzzles.

Summit indica unicode free download converter. Use this script to track your progress:

/run local N,t,d={'DAL','ULD','AQ','DEEP','GNOMER','VAL','MAZE','MOUNT'},{47826,47837,47841,47850,47852,47863,47881,47885} for s,k in pairs(N)do d=C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(t[s]) print(k,'=',d and '124cFF00FF00' or '124cFFFF0000NOT','DONE')end

Note #1: Secrets of Ulduar

It begins in the 2104059.
With a most pleasing sign.
(These letters will not always rhyme.)

The first note is found on a table at the top level of Curiosities & Moore in Dalaran.

Solution: Go to Ulduar and find the Rusty Lever and in the North-West corner of the Scrapyard. Click the lever, and a 20 by 20 grid of Scrapyard Lights will appear on the floor of the room. Click the lights to form the pattern below and then the Inconspicuous Note will appear.

Note #2: Mindcraft

1000 years imprisoned.
Surely it wears on the mind.

Head to AQ40 and make your way to the end of the raid. Go past C'thun, past the 3 NPCs, and at the top of the stairway there will be an altar with a Mind Larva on it. Click it to start Mindcraft, a minigame similar to JewelCraft.

Solution: Match five brains in a row to win. Note that even though Blizzard's article suggests that matching five brains is the only way to win the game, multiple people have confirmed winning the game after playing for a while (anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes), possibly by reaching a certain number of hidden points.

Note #3: The Chair

Before going further, you'll need to get a Shadoweave Mask. You can buy it from the Auction House or craft it yourself if you have Tailoring and the Pattern: Shadoweave Mask. If you don't have the pattern, you can get it from Dark Iron Steamsmith in Searing Gorge.


Solution: Go to Deepholm, enter the Crumbling Depths and interact with the Dark Fissure.

/way Deepholm 58.3 25.5 Crumbling Depths entrance
/way Deepholm 63.8 22.5 Dark Fissure

A fissure in the ground, barely wide enough to squeeze through. It's too dark to see anything, but you can tell that it is very deep.

> Drop into the fissure.

WARNING: You are about to fall into a dark fissure. You may not be able to climb back out again. Are you very sure you want to do this?

Accept the warning! You have now fallen into a Deep Cavern. Find the chair with the Dingy Plaque behind it.

The plaque is old and barely legible. You can only make out fragments of each line of text.

Solution: Equip the Shadoweave Mask, interact with the Strange Skull on the chair and a new note will appear.

Note #4: It's Binary?

Enter Gnomeregan and go to the Engineering Labs where you'll find a wall with 10 Numeric Consoles and a plaque with instructions.

01110111 00100 10010110 10101
11110111 01100 01111111 01000
011010111001011010010110 10111101
11001 00111111 10010 01001001
10000 011010010110100111010110
01011011 11110 11110001 11111
11100000 00010 11111111 01000
10110111 10101 01111111 00001
10101110 11111 00110000 01000

Cyberlink powerdirector 17. Solution: Set the consoles to 1222176597

You can use the following scripts as macros:
Up: /script SelectGossipOption(1)
Down: /script SelectGossipOption(2)

Solution: Set the consoles to 1222176597

You can use the following scripts as macros:
Up: /script SelectGossipOption(1)
Down: /script SelectGossipOption(2)

Note #5: Nightmare Tumor

Games and toys are left behind.
When you awaken screaming.

World Of Warcraft Viscidus

Solution: Go to Val'sharah, find the Nightmare Tumor and play the Eyecraft minigame where you'll have to uncross the optic nerves of Il'gynoth's many eyeballs. This minigame is similar to Blingtron's Circuit Design Tutorial.

Il'gynoth will whisper to you 'AL'KSH SYQ IIR AWAN? IILTH SYTHN AQEV.' which translates to 'Is this real or an illusion? You are going mad.'

/way Val'sharah 66.4 36.5

Note #6: The Endless Halls

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Source)

Secret-seekers, naturally, would seek the Tomb of Secrets (within the Valley of Emperors) in Kun-Lai Summit, wherein secrets are buried. There, you’ll find an urn you can interact with to consume the ashes of an evil sorcerer (seems like a good idea). When you wake up, you will find yourself in an endless maze.

We sought to create a puzzle that couldn’t be completed by just following a guide. Thus, the Endless Halls is randomized based on your player ID, as well as the day of the week. Very few players will ever see the same layout, and coming back the next day will present you with an entirely new challenge. - Developer note

/way Kun-Lai Summit 53.3 49.3 Tomb of Secrets entrance
/way Kun-Lai Summit 52.8 52.1 Urn

Runes on this urn indicate that it contains some of the remains of a powerful mogu spirit-binder. Many of the markings appear to be warnings.

> Consume the ashes.

WARNING: You are about to consume the ashes of an evil sorcerer. There is no way to tell what will happen. Are you VERY sure you want to do this?

The Endless Halls is a cruel, uncompromising maze, designed to confuse and disorient at every turn. You start in a nondescript room with foggy exits in the four cardinal directions (N/E/S/W), though some are blocked by rubble. Going in one of these exits will fade the screen to black, then fade back in with you in the connected room.

The goal of the maze is to find 5 colors of orbs (red/blue/green/yellow/purple), and deliver them (carried one at a time) to the 5 matching colors of runes. However, several mechanics make this much more difficult than it may sound.

The maze is arranged on an 8x8 grid of rooms. Each cell has between one and four exits. However, if it would have 4 exits, it’s actually not a single room, but two two-way rooms that occupy the same space, but don’t intersect. These Non-Intersecting Cross rooms are the first major source of confusing discontinuity, and also cannot contain any Orbs or Runes.

The second main source of disorientation is the edges. They loop around, but not directly. Instead, exiting one end of the maze will send you to the other side of the maze, with an additional offset. This makes it very difficult to tell what room you will end up in if you cross the edge of the map. You can, however, reliably backtrack from your new position to your previous position. Many players made frequent use of this backtracking to reliably navigate the maze without getting lost.

In addition, there is one final wrench thrown into the gears: the Teleportation Trap. Within the maze, a single room is the Teleportation Trap. When you enter this room, you are instead secretly teleported to a random room in the maze. Once you’ve identified the Teleportation Trap room, avoid it at all costs!

Once you’ve dropped the fifth orb off at its matching rune, the next exit you travel through will takes you to a golden room with the next Inconspicuous Note.

We learned a ton from how the Endless Halls were experienced by players. Overall, it was an exciting and unexpected part of the series, but a few things could have gone better. By putting the hardest and most involved puzzle at the very end made players trickle through the finish line, depriving the community of the mass celebration moment as everyone who had been working hard on it together completed it at the same time.

Most importantly, the variance in difficulty of different mazes led to some being easily solved by wandering randomly, and some requiring careful mapping to finally solve, leading to frustration for the few with especially challenging mazes. While having individual mazes turned out great, the difficulty variance was just too high. We’ll keep all of this in mind for next round, and thanks for the community suggestions that we add jump scares. Good call! - Developer note


If you need help with the Endless Halls, we recommend you get the Lucid Nightmare Helper addon. The frame generates 'rooms' as you move through the halls, which you can use to retrace your steps to the rooms you'd previously marked that contain an object of interest.

After you have found a special room, start mapping until you find another one. Then go back to the previous room to make sure that you haven't triggered the Teleportation Trap. Repeat this process until you have found all of the rooms.

Once you've dropped the fifth orb off at its matching rune, the next exit you travel through will takes you to a golden room with the next Inconspicuous Note.

Note #7: The Forgotten Crypt

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Source)

The way is now open.
To the greatest secret never told.
A fitting end to your journey.

The clue here is a reference to a place in the world that has long been a secret to those in the know, but has never been used—the horrendously creepy Forgotten Crypts in Karazhan. In the game since the WoW’s initial launch, exploration-focused players ventured into these crypts for years after each patch, in the hopes of finding some newly-added secret. They were perpetually disappointed—until now.

This time, sitting on top of a pile of bones near the bottom of this huge-but-empty crypt (within The Pit of Criminals) is a chest containing the Lucid Nightmare.

RaceOoze (Aberration)
Level?? Boss
LocationTemple of Ahn'Qiraj
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj

The Prophet Skeram
Silithid Royalty
Battleguard Sartura
Fankriss the Unyielding
Princess Huhuran
Twin Emperors





Viscidus is an optional boss in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, a giant slime that can be accessed after the death of Fankriss the Unyielding. This boss requires a high Nature Resistance as it uses AoE poison bolts which have direct damage along with DoTs. He resets if taken outside his room, much like the bosses in Zul'Gurub. If you are about to wipe, run outside the room and you may be able to save your life.

  • 1Abilities
  • 2Strategy



  • Melees for around 1000 on a NR-geared tank. Hits very fast at first, but progressively slows down.
  • Takes 50% reduced damage from all attacks.
  • Poison Shock: AoE Nature attack for ~1200 Nature damage every 10 seconds or so. Poison Shock has a radius of 15 yards, so be very careful to stay away when not trying to shatter him once frozen.
  • Poison Volley: AoE spell cast every 10 seconds that hits for ~1500 resistible Nature damage on hit and will apply a dispellable DoT that does ~500 Nature damage every 2 second for 10 seconds. Similar to Lord Kri and Princess Huhuran. This volley ignores LoS and has a range of 100 yards, therefore it is very difficult to avoid it. Nature Resist gear can greatly mitigate the direct damage, but the DoT is unresistable and therefore highly lethal. Poison curing must be set up for the raid so that no one is hit by more than one tick of the DoT.
Wowhead ViscidusWowhead Viscidus
  • Toxin Clouds: These are spewed out every 30–40 seconds. The cloud hits anyone inside it with ~1500 unresistable damage every 2 seconds and slows movement speed by 40%. Similar to Lord Kri's death cloud. A single bolt will predate the Toxin Cloud (it is the only time Viscidus spits on a single target), so move away asap from the landing point of that single bolt. The clouds look fairly small, but their damage radius is larger than their graphic so beware!

The Three Frost Stages

Viscidus must be slowed by Frost attacks in order to defeat him. Frostbolt, Frost Shock, Icy Touch, Frost Strike, and Howling Blast count towards this objective. The strength of the Frost attack doesn't matter, only the number of hits, so use the fastest Frost abilities possible. Frost attacks are required, but other attacks too, freezing is faster if more people are attacking it.

  • 'Viscidus begins to slow.' - Movement and attack speed reduced by 15%. This phase begins after 10 frost abilities were used against the boss.
  • 'Viscidus is freezing up.' - Movement and attack speed reduced by 30%. This phase begins after 15 frost abilities were used against the boss.

Wow Viscidus Rogue Solo

  • 'Viscidus is frozen solid.' - Movement and attacks cease completely. At this point the raid must switch to melee attacks to shatter him. This phase begins after 20 frost abilities were used against the boss.

The Three Melee Stages

Once Viscidus is frozen he must be shattered. This needs to happen very quickly or he will thaw out and continue attacking the raid. Melee attacks are required. Everyone, including melee and ranged characters, should run up and hit him. Viscidus only explodes when enough hits have been dealt (after 30).

  • 'Viscidus begins to crack.' - Continue melee attacks.
  • 'Viscidus looks ready to shatter.' - Continue melee attacks.
  • 'Viscidus explodes.' - Viscidus shatters into multiple small 'Globs of Viscidus' in a circle around the room. These Globs will begin to move towards the center of the room, slow at first, but continuously and steadily gathering speed. Once they reach the center, Viscidus will be reformed.

Globs of Viscidus

  • Every time Viscidus is shattered, he splits into 1-20 Globs of Viscidus - each one representing 5% of his total HP. If he is below 5% when shattered, he will die. Each glob takes 10-15k damage to kill.
  • Globs must be assist trained to death, as DPSing one has no effect unless it is killed. Globs cannot be slowed or stunned so you must DPS fast and hard.

Transition Aggro

  • Viscidus has a nasty tendency to aggro someone right as he reforms and run off after them. Since he is not chilled at all at this point, and he is untauntable, it is very difficult for the MT to catch up and get him back. Unless he is picked up and tanked very quickly, he will likely run around killing healers until the raid wipes. There are various theories as to what makes this happen, but it sometimes seems as mysterious as Onyxia's Deep Breath.
  1. Some people say that DPSing blobs without killing them (especially with AoEs and Multishot) causes transition aggro. This seems rather unlikely, as healers get transition aggro as often as DPSers.
  2. Some people say that players standing too far away from Viscidus will pull aggro. In any case, it is not a good idea to run out of the room too early after a transition; if he aggroes someone out of the room he will instantly reset to 100%.
  3. Some people say that Viscidus has a limited-radius aggro wipe, or an aggro wipe on a limited number of the closest players, and that the players standing further away from him should not do any healing or curing for 5 seconds during each transition.


Ideally, all raid should drink a NR potion 2 minutes before starting, so the cooldown fades. Then, refresh NR potion on every chance. Aim for enough dps to kill your assigned Glob, and then balance stamina with NR equipment. Low stats due to wearing green NR armor may not be the best to stand NR damage. If your raid uses CT_RaidAssist, the raid leader can check the NR resistance, and the number of NR potions on each member. Once you master the encounter, you may try drinking a pot only when you are low on hp.

Beware of the single bolt: it announces the landing point of a toxin cloud, which drains health real fast. There is an addon called Viscidus Raid Warning to whisper people suffering Toxin Cloud.

Viscidus is vulnerable to Frost (spells/abilities and Frost damage), therefore mages are at a premium for this fight. Warlocks equipped with a Frost damage wand, i.e. [Wand of Biting Cold] (usually 1.5 sec) will be nearly as effective as a mage (1 sec casting on rank 1 frostbolt with improved frostbolt still faces the 1.5 sec global cooldown).

The raid is required to get as many frost attacks into Viscidus as possible so that he will go through his several emotes and freeze. Dragon age iso download. After he is frozen, a number of melee attacks must be done to shatter him into 20 or so small blobs. The raid must then kill these blobs in order to reduce Viscidus' health.

The triggering for his normal state into frozen seems to be a hitcounter of ~200 Frost based attacks/spells/abilities.

The triggering for him to shatter once frozen seems to be a hitcounter of ~75 (in 1.12) melee hits, regardless of damage.

All stages have a 15 second time-limit, so if you fail to reach the next stage after that he reverts to his previous one. Time is of the essence. Once people start dying, the fight goes down hill. Killing Viscidus should take around 4 freezing phases to accomplish. Therefore, longevity is the key along with poison cleansing abilities. Mages and Druids are key to this encounter. Shamans make the fight relatively easier for the Horde because of the Poison Cleansing Totems. There might be changes in 1.11 or future patches allowing weapons with +X-Y frost damage to count as (part of) the number of attacks needed. This would mean that Hurricane and other weapons would be very useful.

Melee positioning

Why Won't Viscidus Die

Most guilds keep their melee players away from Viscidus so that they don't take poison damage. They have to stay at least 100 yards away to avoid damage. This can be accomplished either by standing on the staircase outside Viscidus' room or by standing inside Viscidus' room far off to one side. The difficulty with this strat is that meleers will take one or two poison volleys while running in and out, and someone has to be in range to depoison them. However, with proper depoisoning, meleers takes much less damage and may not even need to wear full NR.

The alternative is to have high-NR melee players in melee range of Viscidus, DPSing him at all times. This does a minimal amount of damage to Viscidus, but it does hurt him a bit. The advantage is that, with players moving around less, it is far easier to keep in range of shaman totems and of your Druids for depoison. The tradeoff is that you take more direct Poison damage (which is resistible), but hopefully you take less DoT damage (not resistible). You can also make use of [Frost Oil] to help freeze Viscidus.

High-level/solo strategy

After the post-5.1 hotfix --'Viscidus now remains frozen for 30 seconds (was 15), and it takes 30 hits to shatter Viscidus (was 50).'[1]—it is possible to relatively easily solo Viscidius. Solo players need to be able to land a quick succession of frost abilities and melee swings. Any wand that has frost-based damage, or a weapon with the [Enchant Weapon - Elemental Force] enchant will fulfill the former category. A [Barov Peasant Caller] or a [Barov Servant Caller] are trinkets that supply several guardians that attack with melee swings quick enough to shatter Visc.

Icy Weapon Viscidus

Work through Visc's ~2 million health first without shattering it in the freeze phase. Once it's below 5% total health, switch to frost abilities and get it to freeze. Once it's frozen, switch to melee swings and use the peasant caller.

Demigod or even old God?

This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Chemist Fuely suggests that oozes may be connected to the Old Gods, and that an Old(or Demi) god could be Viscidus. Nonetheless, it's currently the most powerful ooze ever known.


Tier 2.5 set pieces
Viscidus non-set loot
  • This boss drops one [Qiraji Lord's Insignia].

First 5 Viscidus Kills

  • Death and Taxes. Shattered Hand Alliance[dead link]
  • Immortality. Skullcrusher Alliance
  • Nihilum. Magtheridon-EU Horde[dead link]
  • Millenium. Archimonde-FR Alliance[dead link]
  • Impervious. Stormreaver Alliance[dead link]


  • There's an unused Legion id.[2]

Patch changes

  • Patch 5.1.0 (2012-11-27):
    • Viscidus now takes fewer hits to freeze and shatter.
    • Now drops [Viscidus Globule].
  • Patch 1.9.0 (2006-01-03): Added.
  • Hotfix (2020-08-05): Fixed a bug that prevented FrostWands from weakening Viscidus in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.


  1. ^Patch 5.1 Hotfixes. Retrieved on 2012-12-01.
  2. ^Wowhead

External links

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