Civ 5 Quick Save

Contact Civ popup: Shift + Enter: Force turn to end: Shift + Left. Arrow: Rotate camera CW: Shift + Right Arrow: Rotate camera CCW: Shift + Tab: Chat to all: Shift + F5: Quick save (Single player only) Shift + F8: Quick load (Single player only) Enter: Cycle units, end turn: Cycle to previous unit: Esc: Exit current screen/open menu, (comma. The Elder Scrolls Civilization V Pack (BNW) Jul 20 2013 Released 2013 Turn Based Strategy Mod adds 13 Elder Scrolls factions as civilizations into Civilization V. Includes a Tamriel map with True Start Locations, 24 TES city-states, 13 TES.

The key bindings can be set in the Game Options menu. There is a primary binding and an alternative binding. The escape, left mouse button, and right mouse button are reserved and cannot be bound.

Steam Controller[edit | edit source]

Civ 5 Quick Save

Steam Controller configuration happens inside the Steam client and not the Game Options menu.

Global actions[edit | edit source]

Civ 5 Quicksave

  • - Capital City
  • Home - In-Game Menu
  • Return - Next Action
  • ] - Next City
  • . - Next Ready Unit
  • [ - Previous City
  • , - Previous Ready Unit
  • F6 - QuickLoad
  • F5 - QuickSave
  • G - Toggle Grid
  • Q - Toggle Resource Icons
  • = - Toggle Strategic View
  • Y - Toggle Yield Icons

Lenses[edit | edit source]

  • 1 - Religion
  • 2 - Continent
  • 3 - Appeal
  • 4 - Settler
  • 5 - Government
  • 6 - Political
  • 7 - Tourism
  • 8 - Loyalty [Rise and Fall]

Online actions[edit | edit source]

  • P - Online Pause

Unit actions[edit | edit source]

  • A - Attack
  • B - Found City
  • Delete - Delete Unit
  • F - Fortify
  • E - Automate Exploration
  • M - Move To
  • R - Ranged Attack
  • Space - Skip Turn
  • V - Alert
  • Z - Sleep

User interface[edit | edit source]

  • F9 - Open the Civilopedia
  • F2 - Toggle City-States Screen
  • C - Toggle Civics Tree
  • F3 - Toggle Espionage Screen
  • F7 - Toggle Government Screen
  • F10 - Toggle Governors Screen [Rise and Fall]
  • O - Toggle Great People Screen
  • W - Toggle Great Works Screen
  • F1 - Toggle Rankings Screen
  • L - Toggle Religion Screen
  • T - Toggle Tech Tree
  • F11 - Toggle Timeline [Rise and Fall]
  • F4 - Toggle Trade Routes Screen
Retrieved from ''

This page contains all the keyboard and mouse shortcuts for Civilization IV: Cyma tavannes serial numbers manufacture.

Civ 5 Quick Save Hotkey

PPing the map
Alt + DChange player name/email
Alt + FSatellite view
Alt + IRemove interface
Alt + OChange perspective
Alt + QRetire (give up)
Alt + WAccess Worldbuilder
ALT + Ctrl + FFlying camera mode (enable in INI file)
Ctrl + BToggle bare map on/off
Ctrl + CSet all units of same type as active
Ctrl + IMinimize interface
Ctrl + LLoad game
Ctrl + MTurn music on/off
Ctrl + OOptions menu
Ctrl + RFlag resources on/off
Ctrl + SSave game
Ctrl + TTurn grid on/off
Ctrl + YTurn tile yields on/off
Ctrl + TabChat/Event Log
Ctrl + Left arrowLock camera angle 45 o CW
Ctrl + Right arrowLock camera angle 45 o CCW
Shift + DContact Civ popup
Shift + EnterForce turn to end
Shift + Left. ArrowRotate camera CW
Shift + Right ArrowRotate camera CCW
Shift + TabChat to all
Shift + F5Quick save (Single player only)
Shift + F8Quick load (Single player only)
EnterCycle units, end turn
Cycle to previous unit
EscExit current screen/open menu
, (comma)Cycle to previous unit (same tile)
. (period)Cycle to next unit (same tile)
/Cycle through active workers
Home, EndCycle through cities
InsertOpen nearest friendly city screen
Page DownZoom camera out
Page UpZoom camera in
PausePause game – pauses turn timer
Print ScreenTake Screenshot
TabChat to team
Scroll LockVoice chat to team
Shift + Scroll LockVoice chat to all
Ctrl + Scroll LockVoice chat in Diplomacy screen
F1Domestic Advisor
F2Financial Advisor
F3Civics Advisor
F4Foreign Advisor
F5Military Advisor
F6Technology Advisor
F7Religion Advisor
F8Victory Status
F10Capital City
F11Globe View
BBuild City (Settler)
CCenter on unit
GGo-to mode
LLoad (onto ship)
SSentry (wake for enemy)
UUnload (from ship)
WWait (move later in turn)
Alt + ClickGroup all units together
Ctrl + (#)Bind selected group or unit to number
Ctrl + ClickGroup same type together
Shift + ClickTile context menu
Shift + PPillage
SpaceSkip turn for unit
DeleteDelete unit
Numpad 5Center on unit
Numpad arrowsUse numpad to move units
Work Boats
FBuild fishing nets
OBuild offshore platform
Shift + WBuild whaling boats
Air Units
BAir bomb mode (cities/tiles)
RRecon mode
SAir strike mode (enemy units)
Alt + RRebase
Civ 5 quick save grocery
City Screen
EnterExit city screen
Alt + add item to build queueBuild item indefinitely
Ctrl + add item to build queueAdd to beginning of queue
Shift + add item to build queueAdd item to end of queue
Ctrl + (#)Save a production queue. Load w/same key
InsertOpen nearest friendly city screen
Middle mouse buttonExit city screen
Numpad arrowsCycle through cities
Click “Fwd”, “Back” buttons on mouse to cycle through cities
Mouse Shortcuts
Alt + click on city barSelect all player’s cities
Alt + click on Civ in score displayDeclare war on that Civ
Alt + right-click a tileMove all units from same tile to selected tile
Ctrl + click on city barSelect all cities on same continent
Ctrl + click on Civ in score displayOpen trade window with that Civ
Ctrl + roll mouse wheelCycle units on tile
Shift + click any city barsSelect multiple cities (to change production)
Shift + right-click any city barsSet rally point for multiple cities
Shift + click on city barsselect those cities to change queue
Shift + click any tileOpen context menu for that tile
Shift + Rt. Click city barsSet rally point for those cities
Roll mouse wheelZoom in/out
Click + hold left & right mouse buttons on map to drag it
Click, + hold right mouse button over enemy for combat odds
Click any tile to center the map on that tile
Click “Forward” and “Back” buttons on mouse to cycle through units on the same tile
Worker Commands
HBuild camp
IBuild farm (irrigate)
KBuild workshop
LBuild lumbermill
MBuild mine
NBuild trade network
QBuild quarry
RBuild road/railroad
TBuild cottage
Alt + CRemove forest/jungle
Alt + RRoad-to mode
Ctrl + FBuild fort
Shift + Ctrl + CImprove nearest city
Shift + PBuild pasture/plantation
Shift + WBuild watermill (river), windmill (hill), winery (wine), well (oil)
Civ 5 quick save shortcut

Civ 5 Quick Save Folders


Related Links:

  • These shortcuts tables are based on the comprehensive Civ4 Reference Charts created by kroym. (Thanks!)
  • Forum member fightcancer also maintains a shortcuts list here on the forum.

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